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Velo Center

Import your bike rides into this app to analyze them afterwards. You can also get detailed statistics about your bike rides and track your fitness.

App Funktionen

Below you will see some of the key features of the app.


The dashboard shows you an overview of all your bike rides. For example, statistics or unlocked achievements are displayed.

File import

Import your bike rides in the form of a fit file. Most modern bike computers record bike rides in this format.

Strava Import

Import your rides directly from Strava or have the latest activities automatically imported from your profile.

Overview of your activities

All your activities are presented in a compact overview. These are stored in a fast database, so you can find your desired activity in a flash.


Create different bike profiles to which you can assign individual components. So you always know when your components should be serviced.


The app calculates various statistics in the categories of distance, altitude, time and fitness.

Achievements and Badges

Unlock over 150 different achievements.

Year-on-year comparison

With this function you can compare different years very well. You can see immediately when you have trained less or more than in previous years.

3D Model

Have a three-dimensional model of your activity created for you.


Click on the screenshot to enlarge it. To see additional screenshots, open the App Store page.

Analyze your bike rides with this free app.

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