Contact us

If you have any questions about the apps or if you would like to report a problem, you can use the contact form. Please read the hints below to reduce the time until your request can be resolved.

Useful Information

Problem Description

If you are reporting a bug or a crash, please be as precise as possible.

Please describe the exact steps to reproduce the error.

Version Numbers

Please include the version of the app and the version of the operating system.

All of my macOS apps have an About dialog that displays the version number of the app. If you use the latest version of both my app and the operation system, you do not need to provide this information.


You probably know the saying A picture is worth a thousand words. Screenshots can help to describe a problem very easily, so please attach a screenshot of the problem if you think it can help to understand the problem better.

On macOS, you can use QuickTime to record your screen.

Crash Report

If one of my macOS apps has crashed, a crash report will be created by macOS automatically.

Please attach any crash report files that you have. You can find a crash report by opening the Console app of macOS. In this app, click the Crash Reports item in the left sidebar. A list of all available crash reports is shown to the right side of the sidebar.

If you can find any crash report for my app, click on it and select “Show in Finder”. Attach this file to the support request.